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                About Cribsolution Company News Partner Our History Social Responsibility Honor
                Central financial and economic leading group office bureau investigate of the cribsolution
                Addtime£º2016-07-28 Source£ºCribsolution

                On July 8, 2016 at 9;30. Central financial and economic leading group office bureau, ministry of commerce market system JianSheSi zhao zheng, director of scholars at universities, Lead the supply chain for national strategic studies "held by the reference of the research team to visit the Shanghai commerce commission as well as research innovation and application of supply chain working discussion meeting. Meeting in its emphasis on the present phase of development exist in the implementation of the operation of supply chain data confused time consuming£¬Liabilities divided into chaos, lack of control at the grass-roots level, such as bad phenomenon£¬For all sorts of obstacles, participants showed£ºSupply chain function baptism for production trends, credit, big data, restore confidence to the supply chain, improve the focus of supply chain platform for economic reform.

                It emphasizes that there are many implementaries in the Supply Chain of unhealthy phenomenon in the meeting, such as Data confused time consuming, Divided into chaos in liability£¬ Lack of control at the grass-roots level and so on.

                Jiang Wei ,the CEO of Cribsolution, makes a introduction about Supply chain development of the frontier and  how to innovate Supply Chain business model for Cribsolution in the conference.

                Defenition of Cribsolution¡¯ service ¨C mro expert, with ten years' experience as a server for international group. Committed to provide enterprises with advanced inventory management model, provide efficient and complete solutions for indirect material, in order to save customers time and overall this, for the purpose of accurate positioning on the basis of contribution to the industry and lead change in inventory management field. Library positioning control over the years insist on development idea and the meeting discussion and not focus of The Supply Chain development in the future.

                Cribsolution as early as at the beginning of the established commitment to social responsibility support activities, and formulate the articles of association of plaintext. It promote a good humanistic enterprise behavior that the staff is committed to social responsibility starts from me£»Cribsolution  group value orientation of survival and development is to be the service ¨C mro expert for trust, innovation, development and win-win

                The speech of MR Jiang was recognised by the height of the research team, The finally discussion of the research group show that Cribsolution sets a good example for achieve The Green Supply Chain, and to monitor the hardware and software platform. And it has been to achieve the vision for co-operative credit, big data controls, restore confidence to The Supply Chain!

                A highly evaluation and approval is presented for Cribsoluti from the research team. The evaluation are two sentences that ¡°To become the industry leading role models! and the industry benchmarking is trustworthy!¡± which it based on the operation of deep development model and for promoting the development of innovation of The Supply Chain.