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                About Cribsolution Company News Partner Our History Social Responsibility Honor
                Caterpillar Visting
                Addtime£º2016-03-11 Source£ºCribsolution

                Recently, the customer from Caterpillar global strategic supplier chain management visit Criboslution for further cooperation.   

                uring the conference, Mr. Jiang introduced the history of Cribsolution¡¯s development and the marketing plan. Mr. Zhang introduced the service system and the plan for the further cooperation. The guests also watch the demonstration of the latest vending machine. Both guests and us discussed many other issues including the service advanced system for MRO, the customized solution for Caterpillar. The guests then had a much better understanding for MRO Export solution.

                Both sides came down to a same thought for further cooperation. The guest said under the general business environment of construction machinery recently, Caterpillar must have a strong partner like Cribsolution. He believed the further cooperation will be more close and look forward further interaction.