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                About Cribsolution Company News Partner Our History Social Responsibility Honor
                Shanghai Cribsolution Industrial Corporation.,?Ltd.

                Cribsolution (Shanghai) industrial Corporation., Ltd. is a supplier who focus on the butler service of indirect material for Group Corporation. By analyzing customer requirements, integrating resources, building integration service system based on partners¡¯ personalization service. Our partner covered Asia Pacific region. We offer a full range of MRO materials Butler service mainly for the world's top 500 companies and joint venture enterprises. 

                Based on the software called Cribsolution, which researched and development by ourselves, we could analysis our customer indirect material data, together with our 10 year experience for 500 fortunes, provide whole solution for excess inventory and unclear SKU items, achieving the target of total purchasing cost down as bellows:

                Money Saving Time Saving Labor Saving Effort Saving Trouble Saving
                Money Saving

                Normal Inventory is zero which saving money for stock;

                Real time data record and category management of total cost , saving consumption of product;

                Brand optimization, reducing brand and module management cost;

                Batch purchase, reducing material cost;

                Time Saving

                Cribsolution on site warehouse, which saving the time of logistics and working flow ;

                AM directly communicate with users, which clarified the demand , saving approving time;

                Could customized the E catalogue by accurate database, saving time for selection, quotation and comparison;

                Labor Saving

                Saving warehouse labor;

                Saving purchaser labor;

                Effort Saving

                Material confirmation is done by Cribsolution on site;

                AM direct communicate with users which saving effort of communication;

                Effort saving for workers by deliver on site Cribsolution;

                Could got accurate report from Cribsolution system;

                Trouble Saving

                Accurate material data is visualization, customer could check and monitor it;

                Cribsolution onsite service, quick response could improve user satisfaction;

                MRO Expert who has more than 10 year experience serving fortune 500 customers;